The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
January 14, 2025
President-elect Sarah Palmer called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM
Pledge of Allegiance - Deb Tacker led us in the pledge
Song of the Day - None today
Thought of the Day - Dennis Gambs shared a couple of thoughts, one was from his fortune cookie "Common sense is not so common".
Joke of the Day - Mony shared some Dad jokes
4 Way Test was recited by Mony Nop
The Magic Trick was performed by Roy Porfido, and resulted in a 7.5 Heart Card ?!
Visiting Rotarian: Dennis Gambs introduced Bob Tucknott from the Dublin Club, Electrical Contractor
Guests: Bennie LeBourvellec introduced Lisa Shaw and Sarah Palmer introduced Ann Brown and Livermore student guest Marrit Poyneer (and her Dad Willem)
New Members Inducted Today
New Members Mike Bass and Cathia Walters were inducted by Bennie LeBourvellec & sponsored by Mony Nop. Congrats to Mike and Cathia! Both have extensive bios and are looking forward to serving in Rotary.
RFL Grant Application Sponsors Needed - Watch for an email from Philomena Rambo inviting you to be a sponsor for RFL Grant applications. There will be a brief training, via zoom, this Thursday, January 16, at 5:00 pm. See the story below for information about the grants.
Granada High Career Fair, February 26 at 9:30-noon. Please contact Rich Goldstein with your interest.
LPC Ambassadors of Compassion, February 21 at LPC. Please contact Rich Goldstein for details.
Richard King Tribute Dinner, February 2 at The Blackhawk Museum. Use this link for purchasing tickets and details. Download the brochure and ticket form by clicking this LINK
Club Social January 28 First St. Alehouse 6:00
LA WildfiresAs we watch the disastrous fires down in Southern California the most impacted Rotary District has already set up a disaster-relief web page: Please consider helping. There are also ways to contribute resources through the Red Cross and even the NFL.
Thank you to Bob Tucknott for providing a new club storage area! It’s awesome.
The Super Bowl Pool is sold out!
Sleep in Heavenly Peace, January 18, 11:45am at Crosswinds Church. Join them for an engaging training session. It's a great opportunity to learn more about this impactful organization. They exceeded their goal of delivering 300 beds last year!
Collaboration Beer Crawl at Hops & Sessions, Tap 25, First St. Alehouse raising funds for the Alameda County Community Food Bank, February 27 from 5-10pm Visit
District News March 9 is International Women's Day, registration is open. It will be in Fremont. 4-7.
Save the date for a one day District Conference, May 31 at San Jose State
Lithium Ion Battery drop off, great turnout, thank you James and team
Applications are now available for the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore's annual grant program. Community organizations are encouraged to seek support for projects that contribute to the health and wellbeing of our community while supporting the mission and vision of the RFL. Community Grants may be awarded for up to $10,000.
Applications for 2025 RFL Community Grant Awards are due March 1, 2025
Today's Speaker - Ann Brown and 2 students from Livermore High School Marrit Poyneer and ?? (the second student's name was not available when we went to press)
Livermore High School students want to replicate the project underway Christiansen Middle School at Livermore High.
The Miyawaki forest optimizes the ecosystem of this mini forest. At Christensen Middle School the project was started in July with soil prep, adding amendments, and watering it over the Summer.
The students researched the plants suitable for this climate (natives).
Ann attended a symposium in Yokohama Japan. This method is spreading around the world. Ann attended the symposium and visited the initial planting site. She and others participated in a planting on the island of Japan, just outside of Yokohama. It helps introduce students to mitigation for climate change.
The Livermore Christensen MS team hosted a community day with a great turnout. They continued to work the soil and dug the holes for the plantings. On December 18 there was the planting day with students from the science classes at Christiansen. The plants were planted with compost buckets. They added mulch and a wattle border.
The students are still active with both projects and wanted to give a special thanks to the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley for the Fall grant.