The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
January 21, 2025    
  • President Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:20 AM

  • Pledge of Allegiance - Dave Goulart led us in the Pledge

  • Song of the DayJerry Hawkins led us in You're a Grand Old Flag

  • Four Way Test - Sarah Palmer led us in reciting the Four Way Test

  • Visiting Rotarian: Terri DeLima introduced Bob Tucknott from the Dublin Club

  • Guests: Bennie LeBourvellec introduced guest Lisa Shah; also in attendance were GHS Principal Clark Conover, Student of the Month, Anthony D'Onofrio, and his three "surrogate" moms, Mandy Hobbs, Christine Gilkinson, and Rachael Richard (Anthony's parents were out of town)

Principal Clark Conover introduced Anthony D'Onofrio, January's Student of the Month. Mr. Conover told us that Anthony is a student whose work ethic emphasizes leadership and excellence. He challenges himself academically and holds a 3.82 GPA.
Anthony recently scored a 1240 on the SAT. Anthony has been on the Principal's Honor Roll for each term starting in his Freshman year. He has been active with the Leadership in ASB since his Freshman year, and is currently the Rally Commissioner.
He is able to bring people together, and has a passion for service. Anthony told us that he has not yet made a college commitment, but his hope is to attend Pepperdine or another college in Southern California. He plans to major in either Business Management or Construction Management which he hopes can lead to a career in Real Estate Development.
Due to time constraints, we were unable to do the 10-Spot today.
  • Ambassadors of Compassion kick-off February 21 from 9-12:30 at Las Positas Community College Gym. Rich will be sending out individual invitations in the coming days. 

  • Career Fair Feb 26 9:30-12:45 Grenada HS Gym. 

  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace - next build days Mar 1 and Apr 12

RFL Grant Sponsor Training This Week!
You are invited to volunteer to serve as a sponsor for one or more members of our community as they apply for RFL Community Grants. Your work is important, as you will serve as a coach to them, guiding them in their accurate and timely completion of the application. 
If this role interests you, please plan to attend a brief orientation meeting online, via zoom. The meeting should last less than 30 minutes.
Please choose the time that works best for you:
Wednesday, January 22 at 5:30 pm    OR      Friday, January 24 at 12:30 pm
Livermore Rotary Club Annual Crab Feed
We are invited to join the fun and fellowship at the Rotary Club of Livermore's 69th Annual Crab Feed!
This event takes place on Saturday, March 25, 2025, starting at 5:00 pm, at the Robert Livermore Community Center.
Tickets are $85 and include crab, live music, dancing, live auction. Tickets are available individually or for groups; tables seat 8 people.
Download the 2025 Crab Feed Flyer for complete information and to reserve your spot now!
Pedrozzi Scholarship Foundation Accepting Applications
Our club, which has helped to fund The Kevin Drake Scholarship that is administered by The Pedrozzi Foundation, is sharing the news that applications for Pedrozzi scholarships are now open.  Livermore students pursuing college and career training are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by February 28, 2025.
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting
Las Positas College
Feb. 04, 2025
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Club Meeting
Las Positas College
Feb. 11, 2025
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Club Meeting
Las Positas College
Feb. 18, 2025
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
February Last Tuesday Club Social
Feb. 25, 2025
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
View entire list
TODAY'S PROGRAM #1: Interact Update
Interact Update with Suzanne Richerson: Suzanne worked with the Interact Club to provide us with an update. Students were unable to attend, but provided a  slideshow with updates. They have had a busy year, and will soon be participating in the Coin Collection fundraiser. The group remains active on social media, and promotes their activities using those platforms. They also maintain a shadow box on campus that promotes different events as they are coming up
TODAY'S PROGRAM #2: Mental Health Mindset
Healthy Mindset with Dr. Cathia Walters: Dr. Walters presented information to our Club regarding Mental Health Mindset. She led us in a guided meditation and discussed the way stress can impact our mindset. Dr. Walters taught us about the different kinds of stress and how each can impact our lives. 
Dr. Walters introduced BACE as a way of battling stress. All of these are important in helping us be resilient during times of stress. BACE stands for:
  • Body Care - Exercise, eating right, getting enough sleep
  • Achievements - Work, chores, studying, learning
  • Connections - Maintain connections to those around us - friends, family, community
  • Enjoyment - Fun, play, pleasure
NEXT WEEK - Social at the First Street Alehouse
Next week we are dark in the morning, and have our monthly social event. This month it is at the First Street Alehouse in Livermore. Please make sure you RSVP. We will be in the back room.
50/50 RAFFLE
We had three weeks to catch up on the 50/50 raffle! Winners today were:
  • Charles Crohare
  • Bassant Abdelrahman
  • George Wineinger

Mony Nop  is proposing Corporate member Wall and Ceiling Alliance's (WACA) Sarah Thorvund as a new member of our club. Sarah is in the Classification of Technical Coordinator.

Bennie Le Bourvellec is proposing Lisa Shah as a new member of our club in the classification of IT Solutions. 

All paperwork has been submitted, and at the January board meeting, our board voted unanimously to approve both proposals. Per our Bylaws, this information is hereby published this week and will also be published next week in The Grapevine. If any club member has a question about the proposal, please contact Membership Chair Bennie Le Bourvellec. If no objections are received by February 4, we will move forward with installing WACA as a corporate member and welcoming Sarah and Lisa as our newest members.

Thank you, Terri, for capturing these moments!
Meeting Adjourned at 9:18 
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7