The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
October 8, 2024     
  • President Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:17 AM - 😃

  • Pledge of Allegiance 🗽John Freeman led us in the Pledge

  • Song of the Day 🎶 -  Jerry Hawkins led us in Margaritaville, a Jimmy buffet favorite. Drunken Caribbean Rock & Roll

  • Magic of Rotary 🎩Roy did amazing things with 3 pieces of rope.

  • Thought of the Day 🤔- Mark - Hate has been reference 3.8 million times on internet. Love has been referenced 2.4 billion times. We still have chance!

  • Joke of the Day 😂 -  Marty - Rodney Dangerfield Jokes

I was an ugly kid. I worked in a pet store. People kept asking how big I get. 

I drinks so much - The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it.


  • Visiting Rotarian: Bob Tucknott was on vacation this week

  • Guests: Matt Vining - Uncle Credit Union, Melanie Henry, Clark Conover, Grace/Matthew/Elizabeth/Robert Heaney

Principal Clark Conover introduced Grace Heaney.
Grace displays leadership and passion in everything she does. Maintaining a 4.02 GPA. She advocates for both her views and for charities. Member of the National charities organization. She has a love of Dance and Ballet. Also active as the class treasurer.
She is intending to attend a 4 year university, hopefully TCU. Majoring in ballet and criminal psychology.
Board #74 10/8/2024    
Paid by Name on the Board Amount Reason
Roy Porfido Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Jerry Hawkings Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Ward Eccles Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Jackie Mirisciotta Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Bennie Le Bourvellec Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Deb Tacker Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Jeannette Albiez Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
Dennis Gambs Sheri Simoni $20 For Chili Cook Off
John Freeman Sheri Simoni $40 For Chili Cook Off
Total   $200  
Chili Cook Off Debrief
Big thank you to Sherri Simoni for the great organization of the event! She rocked it!
1st Livermore Butcher Shop
2nd Ruby Hill
3rd Calwater
Band was great
Kids area worked well
Booth well spaced out
Magic show was great
Over $600 in raffles revenue
  • 10/19/24 - Avenues of Service 8:00am-2:00pm. Location - India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St, Milpitas, CA 95036
  • 10/30/24 - Halloween Party at Honeycomb Lounge ($35 each)
  • 10/31/24 - Submissions due for Fall Club Grants - Volunteers needed for grant reviews
  • 11/6/24 - Dinner with residence at Goodness
    Village. 5:30 – 7 PM with Marty’s Joint food truck
Club receives certificate of appreciation from Dublin club for the Backpack Drive.
Football Follies 🏈
  • Weekly winners
  1. 11 points - D Best, Stef R, Sue Q
  • Week 5 Standings - Top 3
  1. 51 points - Lori
  2. 50 points - Ed
  3. 49 points - Eric, Jill, Kev M, Stef R
TODAY'S PROGRAM: Rotary Foundation
George Wineinger presented an overview of the rotary international foundation.

Dennis receives his Paul Harris pin (4) 

The Rotary Foundation: A Force for Good

Founded in 1917, the Rotary Foundation (501c3) is the philanthropic arm of Rotary International, dedicated to humanitarian service and promoting peace globally. Its mission is to empower Rotarians to improve communities and create lasting change through targeted projects, exemplified by the initiative “Every Rotarian, Every Year,” which encourages all members to contribute annually to the Foundation.

7 Key Focus Areas

  1. Promoting Peace
  2. Fighting Disease
  3. Providing Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  4. Saving Mothers and Children
  5. Supporting Education
  6. Growing Local Economies
  7. Protecting the environment
  • Project Grants - Funding for Club Projects:
  1. Global Grants - greater than $30k and has a club partner with matching
  2. District Grants - smaller, shorter and in the district
  3. Scholarships - can be funded by global or district grants
  4. Vocational Training Teams
  • Polio Eradication
  • Rotary Peace Centers
Actual Projects
  1. Collipulli Mobile Dental Unit - Collipulli, Chile $46,000
  2. Women's Shelter Foundation Casa Maria Amor: women's shelter and services $50,600
  3. China Schools Vocational Teacher Training - Gansu Province, China $90,250
  4. Economic Recovery after Hurricane Maria - Punta Santiago, Puerto Rico $100,000
  5. School for Special Needs Children - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico - $109,274
  6. Project “Alesi” - Turkana Basin, Kenya $94,280
  7. Oxygen Generator - Breathing for Life - Nijo, Ethiopia $355,000
  8. Model Village Water & Sanitation Improvement -Uganda $36,192
  9. Faces of Hope - Antigua, Guatemala $60,000
  10. Health Care Center - Abakaliki, Nigeria $31,500
  11. Feed Children’s Dreams - Battambang, Cambodia $50,000
  12. Eye Care Program Support - Coimbatore , India $44,688
  13. English Literacy - Bangalore , India $52,200
  14. WASH, Education, Economic Development - Ngongolo, Uganda $53,000
Paul Harris Fellow
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Follow on contributions are recognized as Paul Harris levels 2-9 up to Major
Donor status at the $10,000 level

Funding and Impact

The Rotary Foundation relies on contributions from Rotarians and supporters, funding various projects through global and district grants. The “Every Rotarian, Every Year” initiative helps ensure a steady flow of support, allowing for impactful projects. Notable successes include the polio eradication campaign, clean water projects in India and Uganda, and literacy programs that transform lives.


The Rotary Foundation continues to be a powerful force for good, fostering collaboration and inspiring individuals to contribute through “Every Rotarian, Every Year,” ultimately creating meaningful change around the world.

Upcoming Events
District 5170 Avenues of Service
India Community Center (ICC)
Oct. 19, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
October Last Tuesday Club Social
Honeycomb Cocktail Lounge
Oct. 29, 2024
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
View entire list
We will walk across the parking lot to meet in the new Viticulture Facility and learn from David Bramlett about the Viticulture Program at Las Positas College.
50/50 RAFFLE
September 17 - Ed Shuman - Donated back to club
September 24 - Kevin McCallum - Donated back to club
October 1 - Dennis Gambs - Donated back to club
October 8 - John Freeman  - Donated back to club 
Thank you, Roy, for capturing these moments!
Meeting Adjourned at 9:18 
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7