The Weekly Meeting Summary of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley
October 15, 2024
President Beth McCormick called the meeting to order at 8:14 AM
Pledge of Allegiance - led by Mark Hudson
Four Way Test was read by Bob Tucknott, who reminded us that these guiding principles impact every decision we make in all areas of our lives
Song of the Day - Jerry Hawkins led us in Splish Splash
Thought of the Day - Jackie Mirisciotta shared two of her favorite thoughts: "Live today as if you're going to die tomorrow, and learn to day as if you'll live forever" and "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"
Joke of the Day - Ed Schumann used a high-fiving dog to remind us that the Raiders can't seem to score a touchdown?
Visiting Rotarian:
Jill Duerig introduced Bob Tucknott from the Dublin Club, in the classification of electrical contractor
And Deb reminded us of the proper way to introduce a visiting Rotarian, and offered to buy a 10-Spot for any of us who remember to follow the format:
"Madame President, Fellow Rotarians and Guests, I would like to introduce, from the [club name] Club, in the classification of [occupation], [First and Last Name of the Rotarian].
Our response: wave and share a greeting (but not applause)
Mark Hudson introduced Damian Bramlett, who leads the Las Positas College Viticulture Program (and our program speaker today)
Cheryl Bowers introduced her husband, Joel Bowers, retired mechanical engineer from LLNL and currently active in the Quest Science Center
George checked off one of his Blue Badge requirements by sharing some of his story with all of us this morning. We learned that George was born on the East Coast, graduated from Boston University, and then moved to the Bay Area in 1980.
He owns Wentworth Enterprises, which includes Elite Real Estate and Horizon Financial Associations Mortage Brokerage. He is active professionally in both the California and National Association of Mortgage Brokers, and has earned several honors over the years for excellence in his field.
When he discovered the Four Way Test paperweight on his father's desk, George also recognized the importance of those four principles in guiding one's life. Inspired by his father's involvement in Rotary (he was a past District Governor), George is now a Livermore Valley Rotary Club member. (And, yes, his fianceé Beth McCormick may have had something to do with that!)
Adding Rotary to his life will align with George's previous involvement in other nonprofits and in the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, where he is a past president.
We are looking forward to working, learning, and playing with George in the future.
Beth thanked members of the club for stepping up to provide leadership.
Lori updated us on Football Follies. Ed Schumann is in the lead, with Kevin McCallum & Eric Dillie tied for Second Place. This past week, Ed, Eric, and Jerry Hawkins all had perfect scores!
Thanks to participants for their buy-in: Football Follies has raised $1,500 that we will use to help fund our annual Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Project that supports local families.
Beth encouraged us to sign up for the October Social at Honeycomb Cocktail Lounge, Tuesday, October 29, at Livermore's newest "speakeasy." See the Event listing below or check your email to find the registration link. Space is limited to 65 people - please sign up now so that we know if we have room for members of the noon club.
We are invited to join the Dinner with Residents of Goodness Village on November 6 from 5:30 - 7:00. If you are able to come socialize with the residents, please click on the event listing to register. We have room for 14 volunteers.
Charles Crohare invites us to support the Annual Pie Sale fundraiser by Semper Fidelis. Pies are $20 each, and will be delivered on November 14. Please order by Monday, November 4 by sending Charles an email ( or texting him at 925-525-7144. Click on the image below for complete descriptions of the pie flavors.
In lieu of a 10-Spot donation today, Beth invited donations to support the philanthropy of Marty's Joint Food Truck, which will provide meals for the Dinner with Residents at Goodness Village.
We raised $800 to support this service project!
Philomena Rambo returned from her trip to Italy with the Rotary Club of Modena's flag, after also giving our club's flag to the Modena club. She also brought Beth some pesto from Genova.
Rich Goldstein gave Beth some pralines, the sweetest treat he could find while visiting Savannah, GA.
We walked across the parking lot to visit and learn about the new Viticulture Teaching Facility from Damian Bramlett, the Lead Technician for the Las Positas College Viticulture and Winery Technology Program.
The new facility was complete a few months ago and is ready to support the teaching of viticulture and enology. Lead winemaker David Everett teaches students the process of harvesting, crushing, and fermenting grapes as well as the nuances of blending the juices into delicious wines.
Las Positas College is one of only four community colleges in California with a winery program, and is one of only two community colleges that grows its own grapes. 4.5 acres of grapes are grown, with just under 100 cases of wine produced annually by student winemakers. Students who complete the Las Positas program are well-prepared to work in a winery and/or continue their education at the UC Davis Viticulture & Enology Program.
Damian reminded us to be grateful to our community's generosity, as the new facility was funded through State Facilities Bonds.